Yellow Card

Young People First

Safeguarding - a code of practice

What do I do if...?

If a young person tells you they are being abused, you must:

  1. Allow them to speak without interruption, and accept what they say
  2. Be understanding and reassuring – do not give your opinion
  3. Tell them you will try to help but must pass the information on
  4. Tell your Group Scout Leader or District Commissioner immediately
  5. Write careful notes of what was said using the actual words
  6. Include the time and date and full names of those involved
  7. Sign and pass your notes to your Group Scout Leader or District Commissioner
  8. Make sure that Scouting poses no further risk to their welfare

If you are concerned about the welfare of a young person or there is a concern, complaint or allegation about an adult or yourself, inside or outside Scouting, you must:

  1. Tell your Group Scout Leader or District Commissioner immediately
  2. Write careful notes of what you witnessed, heard or were told
  3. Include the time and date and full names of those involved
  4. Sign and pass your notes to your Group Scout Leader or District Commissioner
  5. Make sure that Scouting poses no further risk to their welfare

It is your duty to report ALL safeguarding concerns as a matter of urgency following the correct process.

If a young person is at immediate risk of significant harm call 999 and request Police. Inform your Group Scout Leader or District Commissioner once you have done this.

You must refer any concern or complaint to your GSL or DC as a matter of urgency. DO NOT investigate it yourself.

If you are in any doubt about what to do, contact the Scout Information Centre on 0345 300 1818 or

You can also contact the NSPCC on 0808 800 5000 or

There are other organisations that you can also go to for further information and advice, such as the NSPCC. Other organisations can be found on our website.

Code of behaviour

Do remember that you are a role model at ALL times, inside and outside Scouting. Set a good example for others to follow.

Do treat everyone with dignity and respect in line with the Scouting Values

Do treat all young people equally - do not show favouritism

Do follow the adult-to-young person ratios at all times

Do remember that you have been placed in a position of trust - do not abuse this

Do report all allegations, suspicions and concerns immediately

Do remember that someone may misinterpret your actions

Do respect a young person’s right to personal privacy

Do act within appropriate boundaries, even in difficult circumstances

Do encourage an open and transparent culture, where people can challenge inappropriate attitudes or behaviours

Do make everyone (young people, parents and carers, Young Leaders and other helpers) aware of our safeguarding arrangements and share our Yellow Card - our Code of Behaviour

Do create an environment where young people feel safe to voice their concerns

Do have separate sleeping accommodation for young people, adults and Young Leaders working with a younger section

Do plan activities that involve more than one other person being present, or at least within sight and hearing of others. Do not plan to be alone with a young person.

Do not drink alcohol when you are directly responsible for young people and never allow young people on Scouting activities to drink alcohol

Do not trivialise abuse or let it go unreported

Do not join in physical contact games with young people

Do not overstep the boundaries between yourself and young people by engaging in friendships or sexual relationships

Do not allow activities that encourage bullying behaviour including initiation ceremonies, dares or forfeits

Do not use inappropriate, suggestive or threatening language, whether verbal, written or online

Do not rely on your reputation or position to protect you

Young People First (yellow card)(PDF)

Version 7. Nov