Getting Started
A guide to help with your "getting started" training modules
An explanation of the training requirements of the Scout Association have be explained at the Appointment Interview and is included in your "Adult's Personal File" but here is a summary.
C = course. 121 = one to one. WB = workbook. SG = small group. e-l = e-learning. OV = online video
A Section is either Beaver, Cub, Scout or Explorer and are commonly described using their initial. So, an Explorer Scout Leader is often referred to as a ESL and an Assistant Beaver Scout Leader is known as ABSL etc. These roles all require their training to continue (Modules 5-19) and gain their Wood Badge.
A Sectional Assistant, would be referred to as a CSA (Cub Sectional Assistant) for example. These roles do not require the completion of the Wood Badge, ie Modules 5-19, although they can do any that they feel they wish to.
The training Modules that are required to "get started" are:
Leadership Roles (Section Leader and Assistant Section Leader)
Module 1: Essential Information (C / 121 / SG / e-l)
Module 2: Personal Learning Plan (PLP) - document available online
Module 3: Tools for the Job (Section Leaders) (C / 121 / SG / e-l)
General Data Protection Regulations - GDPR (e-l)
Safety (e-l)
Safeguarding (e-l)
Assistant Leadership Roles (Sectional Assistants)
Module 1: Essential Information (C / 121 / SG / e-l)
Module 3: Tools for the Job (Section Leaders) (C / 121 / SG / e-l)
General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) (e-l)
Safety (e-l)
Safeguarding (e-l)
Management Roles (eg Group Scout Leaders-GSL and Commissioners-DC/ADC)
Module 1: Essential Information (C / 121 / SG / e-l)
Module 2: Personal Learning Plan (PLP) - document available online
Module 4: Tools for the Job (Managers & Supporters) (C / 121 / SG / e-l)
General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) (e-l)
Safety (e-l)
Safeguarding (e-l)
Executive Roles (eg Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, Executive Committee Members, Trustees)
Module 1e: Essential Information for Executive Committee Members (C / 121 / SG / e-l)
General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) (e-l)
Safety (e-l)
Safeguarding (e-l)
Appointments Advisory Committee Members
Module 1ex
General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) (e-l)
Safety (e-l)
Safeguarding (e-l)
Module 37: Advising on Adult Appointments
It is a requirement that the getting started modules are completed within 5 months of your appointment. They should take around 3-5 hours to complete, depending on your Scouting knowledge to start with.
Here's a few documents that may help you and certainly explain in depth all the information required.
Module Matrix 2019 (PDF) - a summary of the Adult Training Scheme and learning options and colour coded to show what training you are required to do in your particular role.
Adult's Personal File for Section Leaders 2019 (PDF)
Adult's Personal File for Non-Wood Badge Appointments 2019 (PDF)
Adult's Personal File - Supplementary Module Pages 2019 (PDF)