A number of the training modules can be undertaken online and are underlined below, along with the other learning methods available for that module. Click on that link to take you to the relevant e-learning.

All Section Leaders and Assistant Section Leaders

C = course. 121 = one to one. WB = workbook. SG = small group. e-l = e-learning. OV = online video

Module 1: Essential Information (C / 121 / SG / e-l)

Module 1e: Essential Information for Executive Committee Members (C / 121 / SG / e-l)

Module 2: Personal Learning Plan (PLP) - document available online

Module 3: Tools for the Job (Section Leaders) (C / 121 / SG / e-l)

Module 4: Tools for the Job (Managers & Supporters) (C / 121 / SG / e-l)

General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) (e-l)


Module 5: The Fundamentals of Scouting (C / 121 / SG / e-l)

Module 6: Changes in Scouting (OV / WB)

Module 7: Scouting for All (C / 121 / SG / WB)

Module 8: Skills of Leadership (C / 121 / SG)

Module 9: Working with Adults (C / SG)

Module 10: First Aid (C)

Module 11: Administration (C / 121 / SG / WB)

Module 12a: Delivering a Quality Programme (C / 121 / SG / e-l)

Module 12b: Programme Planning (C / 121 / SG)

Module 13: Growing the Section (C / 121 / SG / WB)

Module 14: Supporting Young People (C / 121 / SG / WB)

Module 15: Promoting Positive Behaviour (C / 121 / SG / WB)

Module 16: An Introduction to Residential Experiences (C / 121 / SG)

Module 17: Running safe Activities (C / 121 / SG / WB)

Module 18: Practical Skills (C / SG)

Module 19: International (C / 121 / SG)


Mandatory Ongoing Learning (to be renewed every 3 years)

Safety (e-l)

Safeguarding (e-l)

First Aid (C)


Supplementary Modules

Module 25: Assessing Learning

Module 27: Instructing Practical Skills

Module 28: Facilitating

Module 29: Presenting

Module 30: Supporting Local Learning

Module 31: Planning a Learning Experience

Module 32: Delivering a Learning Experience

Module 33: Planning a Learning Provision

Module 34: Managing a Learning Provision

Module 36: Additional Needs

Module 37: Advising on Adult Appointments

Module 38: Skills for Residential Experiences

Module 39: Mentoring and Coaching

Here is a link to the Learning Materials for all the above.

Please note that the learning from the above modules still need to be validated by your Training Advisor.
