This is how the adult appointments process is conducted in Gordon District
The following forms and guidance relating to the Appointment Process IN GORDON:
Group roles within Scouting, with explanations. Types of PVG applications. The process in Gordon to appoint new adults.
An example of the application form, with detailed instructions on what to put in each box - or not!
An example of the application form, with detailed instructions on what to put in each box, for existing PVG members.
As above, in narrative, no form.
If using existing member PVG form, additional information is required - and here it is.
The form that the person confirming the applicants ID is required to complete.
The form required for new adult in Scouting, or for those taking up new appointments. Formerly known as AA form.
A suggested form for casual helpers (can't stay overnight) - not yet available on website - coming soon!
The appointment process overview and other useful information is available here.