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Camp Programme

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Leaders (STAFF)

If you are coming as staff and are not included in a group return please complete the staff information form: If you are staying overnight If just a day visitor inc. parents/helpers

The £10 leader fee for those staying overnight will be collected at the camp (cash or card accepted)

Group details spreadsheet

Sections to complete, single submission from the GSL/ESL

Scout/Guide activity choices

Scout / Guides (Individual) Activity Zone Preferences

Firearms permission

Additional permission required for Scout/Guides that may do Air Rifle target shooting

With less than 4 months to go until we all come together again at BA Stores for the next Gordon Gathering, we now need some information from you and your section!

The details spreadsheet must be completed and returned to the email address before the end of June 2022, it is the GSL who should submit this form for submission (Explorer groups should email the spreadsheet in from the ESL). To make this as simple as possible, we have tried to line up our spreadsheet with the downloadable spreadsheet from online scout manager. Please remember to submit the details for any adults/leaders staying overnight with your group. Once you have submitted your details, an invoice will be sent to you by the district treasurer for payment which must be made by the end of July.

The cost of the camp is:

  • £40 for all participants camping overnight (including Beavers)

  • £10 for leaders staying overnight (one night or two)

  • £20 for Beavers attending for the day only

  • £Free / no fee for any adults or leaders attending for the day only including parents helping.

This year, we are asking all adults and leaders who are attending the Gathering for the day only to submit their details using this online form. Details of those attending for the day only should not go on the group details spreadsheet but do start collating this information and ensuring you have the support to run all your activities.

It's Official! The Gordon Gathering (XIII) 2022 is going ahead, with the date confirmed for the 2nd - 4th September 2022.

The countdown begins...


Information will be on this page as it happens but get that date in the Group diary, it will no doubt be a brilliant camp, as usual. Probably even better!

For the history of the Gordon Gatherings, have a look here